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Equipment Leasing for Canada's Construction Industry

We know equipment can still hold value, even if it isn’t brand new. Stride has no age restrictions or arbitrary rules on the types of construction equipment we finance. You’ll have the option of seasonal or annually reduced payments to match the seasonality of your business. Stride has the capability to get you the gear you need to ensure your business can thrive, even if that means a cross boarder transaction.

Your Trusted Leasing Partner

Seasonality and the weather plays a big role in construction. Stride works with owners across British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario & Atlantic Canada to get the equipment they need with financing that makes sense for their unique business.

Financing Regardless of Age or Equipment Type

If you need to lease new or used, Stride offers options that the banks can’t. We review all applications, with no restrictions on the equipment’s age or asset class. Each application is reviewed within 24 hours and every applicant is given feedback about the final outcome.

Have questions? Give us a call or apply online.
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Approvals within 24 hours and 90-day, no-obligation quotes for when you find the right gear for the job.